
Change Weblogic admin password in Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.x

The steps mentioned in this document can be used to change the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User Password in R12.2.x when the weblogic password is known.


R12.AD.C.Delta.7 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.7 or later.

The release of R12.AD.C.Delta.7and R12.TXK.C.Delta.7 has brought in a lot of new features, one of them is a script to automate Changing Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User Password (Conditional to be on patch set level R12.AD.C.Delta.7 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.7 ).

The procedure used to change the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User Password has been simplified and largely automated by the introduction of a new utility that performs what were previously manual steps.

The option to set the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User password to a non-default value is available during Oracle E-Business Suite installation. This section describes the procedure to use (on the run file system) if you need to change the password at a later time.
The EBS WebLogic Domain uses Node Manager to control the Administration Server and the managed servers. For the EBS WebLogic Domain, the Node Manager and WebLogic Server Administration User passwords must be same, otherwise the AD control scripts will not work properly.
If you need to change the Administration User password, you must change the Node Manager password first. If you do not do this, the WebLogic Server configuration change will not be detected and the next online patching cycle may fail.
The instructions that follow should be performed on the run file system. The password change will be automatically propagated to the patch file system during the next adop prepare phase or fs_clone operation.


Shut down all application tier services except the Admin Server.

On the primary node, run the command:
$ /adstpall.sh -skipNM -skipAdmin
On all secondary nodes, run the command:
$ /adstpall.sh
Run the command:

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl -action=updateAdminPassword


[applprod@ebsapp-01 security]$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl -action=updateAdminPassword

Program: txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl started at Mon Sep 11 23:34:03 2017

AdminServer will be re started after changing WebLogic Admin Password
All Mid Tier services should be SHUTDOWN before changing WebLogic Admin Password
Confirm if all Mid Tier services are in SHUTDOWN state. Enter "Yes" to proceed or anything else to exit: Yes

Enter the full path of Applications Context File [DEFAULT - /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/appl/admin/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01.xml]:
Enter the WLS Admin Password:
Enter the new WLS Admin Password:
Enter the APPS user password:

Executing: /u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin/perl /u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-get-serverstatus -contextfile=/u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/appl/admin/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01.xml -servername=AdminServer -promptmsg=hide -logfile=/u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkUpdateEBSDomain_Mon_Sep_11_23_34_03_2017/EBSProvisioner.log

Updating Weblogic Domain in online mode
Backup Location : /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkUpdateEBSDomain_Mon_Sep_11_23_34_03_2017
Logfile Location: /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkUpdateEBSDomain_Mon_Sep_11_23_34_03_2017/updateAdminPassword.log

Executing: /u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/EBSapps/comn/util/jdk32/jre/bin/java -classpath :/u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/FMW_Home/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar:/u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/oui/jlib/srvm.jar:/u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/EBSapps/comn/java/classes:/u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/EBSapps/comn/shared-libs/ebs-3rdparty/WEB-INF/lib/ebs3rdpartyManifest.jar:/u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/shared-libs/ebs-appsborg/WEB-INF/lib/ebsAppsborgManifest.jar oracle.apps.ad.util.UpdateEBSDomain updateAdminPassword -contextfile /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/appl/admin/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01.xml -promptmsg hide -logdir /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkUpdateEBSDomain_Mon_Sep_11_23_34_03_2017 -logfile /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkUpdateEBSDomain_Mon_Sep_11_23_34_03_2017/updateAdminPassword.log
Domain updated successfully
Restarting AdminServer with new Admin Password.
You are running adadminsrvctl.sh version 120.10.12020000.10
Stopping WLS Admin Server...
Refer /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/admin/log/adadminsrvctl.txt for details
AdminServer logs are located at /u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/FMW_Home/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_ERPPROD/servers/AdminServer/logs
adadminsrvctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adadminsrvctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/admin/log/adadminsrvctl.txt for more information ...

You are running adnodemgrctl.sh version 120.11.12020000.12

NodeManager log is located at /u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/FMW_Home/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/nmHome1
adnodemgrctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adnodemgrctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/admin/log/adnodemgrctl.txt for more information ...
You are running adadminsrvctl.sh version 120.10.12020000.10
Starting WLS Admin Server...
Refer /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/admin/log/adadminsrvctl.txt for details
AdminServer logs are located at /u02/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/FMW_Home/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_ERPPROD/servers/AdminServer/logs
adadminsrvctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adadminsrvctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/oracle/ERPPROD/fs1/inst/apps/ERPPROD_ebsapp-01/logs/appl/admin/log/adadminsrvctl.txt for more information ...
*************** IMPORTANT ****************
WebLogic Admin Password is changed.
Restart all application tier services using control scripts.
Program: txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl completed at Mon Sep 11 23:38:03 2017

Start all the application services using adstrtal.sh script.
Try to login to the Weblogic Console using the new weblogic admin password.

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