While running an ADOP session it fails due to the Weblogic domain being locked by another process.
[applprod@erpapp1 ~]$ adop phase=fs_clone force=yes
Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:
Validating credentials.
Run Edition context : /u01/oracle/EBSPROD/fs2/inst/apps/EBSPROD_erpapp1/appl/admin/EBSPROD_erpapp1.xml
Patch edition context: /u01/oracle/EBSPROD/fs1/inst/apps/EBSPROD_erpapp1/appl/admin/EBSPROD_erpapp1.xml
Patch file system free space: 273.40 GB
Validating system setup.
Node registry is valid.
[WARNING] SYS.DUAL table has incorrect privileges
Shut down the application tier services and then run the following commands in the order shown
sqlplus apps/
sqlplus apps/
Checking for existing adop sessions.
No pending session exists.
Starting new adop session.
ADOP (C.Delta.11)
Session ID: 48
Node: erpapp1
Phase: fs_clone
Log: /u02/oracle/EBSPROD/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/48/20190902_123003/adop.log
Validating configuration on node: [erpapp1].
Log: /u02/oracle/EBSPROD/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/48/20190902_123003/fs_clone/validate/erpapp1
[WARNING]: There could be issues while validating the ports used for E-Business Suite instance against ports used in /etc/services. Refer the log file for more details.
[ERROR]: Domain might be locked by some other WLS user process
[UNEXPECTED]Error occurred running "perl /u02/oracle/EBSPROD/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=/u01/oracle/EBSPROD/fs2/inst/apps/EBSPROD_erpapp1/appl/admin/EBSPROD_erpapp1.xml -patchctxfile=/u01/oracle/EBSPROD/fs1/inst/apps/EBSPROD_erpapp1/appl/admin/EBSPROD_erpapp1.xml -phase=fs_clone -logloc=/u02/oracle/EBSPROD/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/48/20190902_123003/fs_clone/validate/erpapp1 -promptmsg=hide"
[UNEXPECTED]Error 1 occurred while Executing txkADOPValidation script on erpapp1